Monday, December 28, 2009



It was a nice day at Descanso Gardens where these sisters, who are both artists, attended an art show. At the show they met some professional artists. In this photo, they are having a long conversation about their own artwork and the photos they took that day.
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Sunday, December 27, 2009

My first garden


I looked around my yard to find a piece of ground for growing vegetables and fruit. I used boulders and rocks from the yard to outline the garden. I worked very hard and well cultivated the region in the yard. Then I planted-tomatoes, eggplant, onions, corn, and zucchini.
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The garden


The garden is growing very nice now.I like working in it.
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My first fresh zucchini from my garden for our dinner.
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Ready to harvest


To my surprise everything I planted grew - tomatoes, eggplant, onions, corn, and zucchini.
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Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Hummingbird at the Feeder

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Alaska Cruise

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The top two photos show us going into Juneau Harbor. You can see another cruise ship in front of us. The water was very calm. The next shows the icebergs in Disenchantment Bay. The last photo is of Hubbard Glacier. It is about forty stories high. Sometimes chunks of turquoise ice calve into Glacier Bay.


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I took the first two photos as we were leaving the port of Seattle. The last is a photo of Seattle as we were coming back at sunrise. You can see Starbucks' headquarters in the distance. Where's my morning coffee?

An Unexpected Hailstorm!

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The top picture is a photo of the hail coming down outside my front door, and the second is a closeup of the hail. In the last photo you can see the strange orange glow cast by the street light on the fallen hail.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Huge Spider Web

When the morning fog lifted I saw this huge spider web. The web was at least three feet across. The weight of the fog moisture on the silk threads can be seen. I never did see the spider.


The clouds made a beautiful pattern in the sky. Does anyone know what type of clouds these are?


The smart Hummingbird found just the right place for her nest. Look at the top right side of the tree and you will see the Hummingbird in its nest.